Viparita Dandasana – Inverted Staff Pose For Beginners

Viparita dandasana

How to do Viparita Dandasana ( Inverted Staff Pose For Beginners )


It is a combination of shirshasana and urdhva dhanurasana. In English viparita means inverted, danda means staff and asana means pose.

It is a advanced asana where your neck and shoulders have to be strong and activated or you can say they should be warmed up before you go for viparita dandasana. Infact you have to be perfect in sirsasana and chakrasana to go for viparita dandasana.

How to do:

Initially go for chakrasana (How to do chakrasana ) completely. Now drop down your elbows, try to contact the floor with the top of the head and at the same time try to move forward inside, again go for chakrasana by getting back your elbows straight enough.

How to do chakrasanaHow to do chakrasana

Now comes the crucial things, initially drop down your top of the head and get in contact with the floor, now drop down your elbows completely such that you need to inter lock your fingers and try to get your elbows close to your ears.

How to do Viparita Dandasana How to do Viparita Dandasana

Now slowly try to lift your head such that it should be adjusted in your forearms inside just like similar to headstand pose (how to do shirshasana), at the same time try to adjust your trunk of the body and knees in such a way that the trunk and knees should become vertical. Remember when your are in the process of adjusting these things your head should not be kept on the floor. Well if it is left on the floor your head will be locked and you will be feeling so much of strain, where your body will become impossible task to adjust on.

How to do Viparita Dandasana How to do Viparita Dandasana How to do Viparita DandasanaHow to do Viparita Dandasana

How to do Viparita Dandasana


And beginners initially can just adjust their trunk in vertical position and keep their knees bending, since it is very tough to make knees straighter for starters. After consistent practice you can go for knees.

Now have a normal breath when you are in pose, hold for atleast 15 to 30 seconds, then when you are dropping down try to exhale.

How to do Viparita DandasanaHow to do Viparita Dandasana

To drop down you have to do it very slowly, initially try to unlock your fingers, get the top your head in contact with the floor, now try to lean forward with the support of your arms. Have rest for atleast 2 mins.

How to do Viparita Dandasana

Benefits of viparita dandasana:

  • It is absolutely good for weight loss
  • Strengthens your arms and shoulders.
  • Reduces your abdominal fat.
  • Increases the flexibility of your body and specially your back.

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