Camel Pose or Ustrasana for Beginners


Ustrasana is also known as camel pose. In sanskrit ustra means camel and asana means posture or pose.

How to do Camel pose or Ustrasana:

Generally there are two parts in ustrasana I mean we can divide it into as initial and final part. Well the initial part is try and bend your back as much as possible you can, infact making sure your back comfortable for doing final posture.

Initial part:

From vajrasana get into knees down position with your legs separating each other ankles touching the floor comfortably. Initially try to roll your front laps inward at a comfortable distance. Now try to connect your sacrum with your thumbs or hands, try to push your pelvis bones in forward direction by bending your back. Try to create the space between the floor and the back. Note that the region from hips to the knees has to be straighter when your are in complete posture.

Camel Pose or Ustrasana for BeginnersCamel Pose or Ustrasana for Beginners

So try to bend the back as much as possible you can by inhaling, try to feel the energy from bottom of the body to top of your nose, inhale and inhale while bending your back to the maximum level with the head position looking in back direction. Ultimately you are going to create arc like structure. Try to have normal breath. This completes initial part.

Camel Pose or Ustrasana for Beginners Camel Pose or Ustrasana for Beginners

Final part:

Now slowly touch the sole of the feet with the help of your hands by disconnecting it from sacrum region with a normal breath. Put your head in back down direction, do not lift it up, since you are going to feel giddiness if you are a beginner. So try to touch the sole of the feet with the help of palms and at the same try to create a space between the back and floor by pushing your pelvic bones in forward direction as much as possible you can. The push has to be in such a way that the line from hips to knees has be straight and vertical.

Camel Pose or Ustrasana for Beginners Camel Pose or Ustrasana for Beginners

Have a normal breath, hold it for atleast 15 seconds, after consistent practice go for atleast two minutes.

Now to close the posture do not drop your back or head, try to reverse the process by putting back your hands on to the sacrum region, come to normal position or knees down pose, then to vajrasana. Try to take rest for atleast 2 minutes then go for next asana.

Camel Pose or Ustrasana for BeginnersCamel Pose or Ustrasana for BeginnersCamel Pose or Ustrasana for Beginners

Benefits of Ustrasana

  • Reduces fat on thighs
  • Opens up the hips
  • Relieves your back pains
  • Strengthens your thighs, ankles, arms and chest
  • Stimulates endocrine glands
  • Cures constipation
  • Tones up the organs of pelvis, neck and abdomen.



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