Category: Shirsasana Variations

  • Variations of Shirshasana – Head Stand Variations

    Variations of Shirshasana – Head Stand Variations

    Sirsasana can also be called as Head Stand Pose or Posture, and it is called as king of all asanas. In sanskrit “Sirsa” means Head and where as “Asana” means Posture or Pose. Variations of Shirshasana   Salamba Shirshasana 1 – Headstand 1 Salamba Shirshasana 2 – Headstand 2  Salamba Shirshasana 3 – Headstand 3 …

  • How to do Head Stand Pose or Sirsasana

    How to do Head Stand Pose or Sirsasana

      Introduction: Sirsasana can also be called as Head Stand Pose or Posture, and it is called as king of all asanas. In sanskrit “Sirsa” means Head and where as “Asana” means Posture or Pose. How to do Head Stand Pose or Sirsasana: Sirsasana can be divided into two parts one is a) A solid…
