Reverse swing Bowling – Condition 1

Why a Ball Reverse swings


Generally when the ball becomes old we get two different conditions. They are

  • The old ball where one sided leather part becomes rough and hard, where as the other sided leather part still shines (protected shine).
  • The old ball where either the leather parts or sides of the ball becomes rough and hard.


Generally when one side leather part of the ball shines (protected shine) and other side leather part of the ball becomes rough or hard then the swing of the ball generally depends on shiny leather part, climatic conditions and nature of the pitch but will not depend on seam position, seamy part, wrist position and arm position.So since one side of the ball shines (protected shine) and other side of the ball is rough and hard, the ball starts getting reverse swinging or late swinging.

This is the condition where the concept of reverse swing or late swing comes into the party.


  • A reverse swing is a late swinging delivery but a late swinger does not mean always a reverse swinger. A late swinging delivery can also be a normal late out swinger or normal late In swinger.
  • The direction of seam of the ball is always the reference point in any type of swing or seam bowling.


In normal Out swingers when the ball is new (Both sides are shiny) the position of seam of the ball faces towards 1st slip or 2nd slip direction and also swing of the ball happens away from the batsman towards 1st slip or 2nd slip direction. That means the swing of the ball and the position of seam of the ball travels in same or parallel or 1st slip or 2nd slip direction.But when the ball is old where one side of the ball shines (protected shine) and other side of the ball is rough or hard, now even if the position of seam of the ball faces towards the 1st slip or 2nd slip region and shiny side of the ball facing towards the batsman or leg slip region the ball swings in opposite or reverse direction into the batsman ignoring the seam position, seamy part and wrist position. That means the swing of the ball and position of seam of the ball doesn’t travel in same or parallel direction and more over the shiny leather part of the ball which is facing towards the batsman dominates the seam position and seamy part of the ball. In fact the swing dominates.

This is called reverse In swinging delivery. And since the seamy part or direction of seam of the ball and swing of the ball are in opposite or reverse direction it is called as reverse swing.

Generally most of the times the reverse swing happens when the ball is old with one side of the ball shines and other side of the ball is rough or hard.

How to Bowl Reverse Swing – Inswinging – Video Tutorials – Part 1


  • Mind you these features mentioned above are based on when the ball is old under the condition one.
  • When the ball is old, to which ever side of the ball shines the ball swings in that direction only (Generally). That means if the left side of the ball shines more than the right side of the ball then it swings away from the batsman and similarly vice versa.
  • Remember when the ball is old to get normal In swinger or Out swinger is very very difficult since the old ball always favors reverse and late swinging.
  • Similarly when the ball is new to get reverse In swinger or Out swinger is very very difficult since the new ball always favors normal and late swinging.


In normal In swingers when the ball is new (Both sides are shiny) the position of seam of the ball faces towards the batsman or leg slip direction and also swing of the ball happens into the batsman towards the stumps or leg slip direction. That means the swing of the ball and the position of seam of the ball travels in same or parallel or towards batsman direction.But when the ball is old where one side of the ball shines (protected shine) and other side of the ball is rough or hard, now even if the position of seam of the ball faces towards the batsman or leg slip direction and shiny side of the ball facing towards 1st slip or 2nd slip direction the ball swings in opposite or reverse direction away from the batsman ignoring the seam position, seamy part and wrist position. That means the swing of the ball and position of seam of the ball doesn’t travel in same or parallel direction and more over the shiny leather part of the ball which is facing towards 1st slip or 2nd slip direction dominates the seam position and seamy part of the ball. In fact the swing dominates.

This is called reverse Out swinging delivery. And since the seamy part or direction of seam of the ball and swing of the ball are in opposite or reverse direction it is called as reverse swing.

Now if the seamy part of the ball loses or doesn’t lose its hardness you can not seam the ball in to the batsman or away from the batsman because since the swing of the ball dominates the seam position and seamy part of the ball when the ball is especially old and starts reversing.

And to which ever side of the ball shines the ball swings in that direction only (Generally) ignoring seam position and seamy part of the ball.

Even if one side of the ball shines and other side of the ball is rough or hard, and even if the seamy part of the ball loses or doesn’t lose its hardness you can go for off cutters and leg cutters which generally depend on old balls with at least one side of the ball having rough, hard leather areas where you can roll down or drag down or run down the rough leather parts with your fingers to cut the ball into the batsman or away from the batsman.


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