Newzealand Cricket Academies
Canterbury Cricket Association 23A Iversen Terrace, PO Box 789, Christchurch, New Zealand Phone: (0064) 3 366 3003 Fax: (0064) 3 365 3073 Contact: Nigel Marsh (Coachforce Co-ordinator Canterbury Cricket) Telphone: +6433635090 Mobile: +64272249569 E-mail: nigel@canterburycricket.org.nz website: http://www.canterburycricket.org.nz Wairarapa Cricket Academy Contact: Craig McBride E-mail: erincam@wise.net.nz website: http://www.cricketacademy.co.nz Cricket Wellington The Brierley Pavilion, Allied Nationwide…
SouthAfrica Cricket Academies
The Cricket Academy Contact: Gio Colussi Cell: +27 83 759 0376 Fax: +27 21 683 6906 website: http://www.cricketcoaching.co.za/Sporting Chance 1 Mariendahl Avenue, Newlands, 7700 – Cape Town, South Africa Telphone: +27 21 683 7299 Fax: +27 21 683 2323 E-mail: admin@sportingchance.co.za website: http://www.sportingchance.co.za/All Rounder Cricket Academy Contact: Wayne Hendricks (Director of coaching) Phone: 0842000590 E-mail:…
England Cricket Academies
World Cricket Academy PO Box 2001, PETWORTH, GU28 9YA, UK Phone 1: +44 (0) 845 123 5444 Phone 2: +91 986 008 1201 Phone 3: +44 (0) 8700 94 02 08 info@worldcricketacademy.com CCM Academy Contact: Gary Palmer CCM Academy, 2 Bolsover Close, Long Hanborough, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 8RA Phone: 07815-081744 E-mail us: garypalmer123@btinternet.com website: www.ccmacademy.co.ukPro…
Australian Cricket Academies
NEW SOUTHWALES Sports Education Group PO Box 6904, Norwest Business Centre, Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153 Phone: 02 9836 1369- Sydney 1300 889 806 – National E-mail:admin@sportseg.com.au Gladesville Action Indoor Sports Centre Unit G/22 College Street, Gladesville NSW 211 Mobile: 0422 787 727 Email: info@elitecricket.com.au Administrative Contact: cricketcoach academy Main, Dominic, PO BOX 270, Broadway, NSW…
Indian Cricket Academies
BANGALORE National Cricket Academy Address: M.G. Road Bangalore G P O Bangalore 560001 Tel: 080-22869970 National Cricket Academy Address: Mahatma Gandhi Road (KSCA Stadium) Bangalore G P O Bangalore 560001 Tel: 080-22868975 Britannia Roger Binny Cricket Academy Address: 3373K 13th A Main Indira Nagar Bangalore 560038 Tel: 080-25263577 Imtiaz Ahmed Cricket Academy Address: 136 Brigade…