Leg break bowling – Position of front leg

Leg break bowling - Position of front leg

Direction of front leg while bowling Leg break
Leg break bowling - Position of front leg

Well while bowling legbreak delivery the direction of frontleg should face towards the fine leg region so that the position of arm will not be able to raise at an angle of more than 60 degrees with respect to horizontal shoulder level position, which actually gives the flexibility to spin or rotate the ball from right to left along with the seam in the direction of slip region.

At the end of the day this direction of front leg facing towards the fine leg region gives the good control over the position of arm in maintaining the angle between 45 and 60 degrees with respect to shoulder level position, which infact finally will be the key in bowling legbreak delivery.

Gripping the ball

Position of Wrist

Position of Arm

Position of Body

Direction of Front Leg

Different lines for RHB

Perfect Legbreaks

How to bowl Leg spin

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